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Ten jewellery superstitions, myths, and old wives tales you need to know

Jewellery and gemstones have been around since the beginning of human history, so it comes as no surprise that they are often surrounded by superstition.

With Halloween just around the corner, it's the perfect time to dive into the world of jewellery and uncover the top ten jewellery superstitions and where they come from.

jewellery and gemstones

Ten superstitions, myths and old wives tales about jewellery that you might not know about

Wearing your birthstone enhances your fortune and provides protection

Ancient civilisations attributed divine powers to specific gemstones, believing their effects are intensified when worn by someone born in the corresponding month.

While there’s no scientific evidence to back this up, many people continue to cherish their birthstones for their symbolic and personal values.

Birthstones are a popular choice of gift for birthdays and Christmases for this exact reason, so much so that each month there is a noticeable increase in searches for jewellery containing that month’s birthstone.

It’s unlucky to own opals unless it is your birthstone

Over the years, folklore has associated opals with misfortune due to their fragile nature, which could signify broken promises or dreams.

Many notable people have tried (and failed) to prove that opals aren’t a symbol of bad luck, thus adding to the belief that it brings the wearer bad luck. So much so that it is now believed that unless your birthstone is opal, you should never wear the stone.

Despite that, it is an unbelievably unique stone with a beautiful array of colours which is a good enough reason to wear it for some people, even with the threat of bad luck and death.

Evil eye jewellery wards off evil

One of the most recognisable symbols in jewellery today, the evil eye has spanned a number of cultures and countries, all putting their own twist on the symbol. In fact, it is believed that 40% of the world’s cultures believe in some form of the evil eye, according to folklorist John Roberts.

The symbol stems from the belief that when someone is jealous of you, they’ll give you an ‘evil glare’ which will send bad luck your way.

It is believed that wearing the evil eye symbol will ward off this bad luck and protect you from evil and spells. Though different colored eyes can have different meanings, for example you would wear a pink evil eye symbol to protect your friendships.

Rubies can heal everything

Throughout history people have believed that rubies have healing properties, crediting the gemstone with curing physical health, mental health and even the plague.

It is also believed that they can protect you from future health problems, and if they begin to lose their colour it is because your health is declining.

It may bring people comfort to wear rubies if their health is struggling, but we definitely wouldn’t recommend grinding them up to ingest them like they used to do centuries ago.

Amethysts stops you from becoming drunk

The Greek word "amethystos" means "not drunk", and it was believed that if you held an amethyst in your mouth while drinking you could remain sober.

Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, was said to have inspired this gemstone’s creation. The story tells of Bacchus pouring red wine onto a maiden who had been turned into a clear stone to avoid his wrath, thus staining it a deep, violet colour.

As fun as the story is, you might not want to rely on your amethyst pendant during a night out, it sounds an awful lot like a choking hazard.

Losing an earring removes your negative energy

Ancient beliefs associate losing your earrings with either marriage or negative energy, depending on which earring you lose.

If you lose an earring on your left ear it means that you have had a lot of negative energy weighing you down and your earring has fallen out to remove the energy from you, whereas losing an earring from your right ear could mean marriage is in your near future.

So, perhaps losing an earring isn’t always bad luck. 

Broken jewellery is the universe talking to you

Some cultures believe that your jewellery might break to shield you from negative energy, while others believe that it is the universe’s way of telling you you’re about to make a bad decision.

Believers say to pay attention to the circumstances around the piece of jewellery breaking, were you about to make a big life-changing decision, are you having relationship problems?

While it is comforting to think that the universe is sending you signals, there is no guarantee that a broken necklace saved you from a bad day. However, it can’t hurt to pay a little more attention to what is going on in your life.

Silver wards off negativity and evil spirits

Silver is associated with the moon and the divine feminine, which many people believe to be a source of protection and nurturing. It is also said to have the ability to reflect negative energy away from the wearer, so it makes sense that people to wear silver as a way to keep evil spirits away.

Wearing aquamarine ensures safe passage and calm seas

Aquamarine is said to be the treasure of mermaids and its name, derived from the Latin "aqua marina", means "water of the sea".

Sailors often wore it, inscribed with images of sea gods, to keep them safe from sea monsters and ill fate on voyages, and it was also often thought to have the ability to calm seas.

While it's a favourite gem for those with a love for the sea, its powers to calm the ocean's fury remains a poetic notion, but it can’t hurt to try it if you ever find yourself at sea.

Combining gold and silver isn’t OK

Modern fashionistas have debunked this myth time and time again by stylishly mixing and matching metals, but how did this myth start to begin with?

The scientific reason for this myth is that metals can react with one another, however metals like silver and gold are usually safe to combine so the likelihood of your jewellery reacting when worn together is very slim. Plus, it only applies to pieces that will be in close proximity to one another, such as stacked rings.

A final note

Whether you’re a believer or not, learning about the history of jewellery and gemstones is a great way to embrace the spooky season and to help you decide on your next purchase (or treat). If superstitions aren’t your thing, don’t worry, we have plenty of trick-free diamond jewellery that you’ll love.

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